Original Articles
- Temman H, Sakamoto T, Ueda M, Sugimoto K, Migihashi M, Yamamoto K, Tsujimoto-Inui Y, Sato H, Shibuta MK, Nishino N, Nakamura T, Shimada H, Taniguchi YY, Takeda S, Aida M, Suzuki T, Seki M, Matsunaga S (2023). Histone deacetylation regulates de novo shoot regeneration. PNAS Nexus 2, pgad002. doi: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgad002 [Pubmed] [Article]
- Takeda S, Hamamura Y, Sakamoto T, Kimura S, Aida M, Higashiyama T (2022). Non-cell-autonomous regulation of petal initiation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Development 149, dev200684. doi: 10.1242/dev.200684 [Pubmed] [Article]
- Yamada M, Tanaka S, Miyazaki T, Aida M (2022). Expression of the auxin biosynthetic genes YUCCA1 and YUCCA4 is dependent on the boundary regulators CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in the Arabidopsis thaliana embryo. Plant Biotechnol 39, 37-42. doi: 10.5511/plantbiotechnology.21.0924a [Article]
- Suzuki R, Yamada M, Higaki T, Aida M, Kubo M, Tsai AY, Sawa S (2021). PUCHI regulates giant cell morphology during root-knot nematode infection in Arabidopsis thaliana. Front Plant Sci 12, 755610. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.75561 [Article]
- Ikeda Y, Králová M, Zalabák D, Kubalová I, Aida M (2021). Post-embryonic lateral organ development and adaxial–abaxial polarity are regulated by the combined effect of ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION 1 and WUSCHEL in Arabidopsis shoots. Int. J. Mol Sci 22, 10621. doi: 10.3390/ijms221910621 [Article]
- Takahama A, Aida M. Visualization and quantification of cortical microtubules in the apical region of the Arabidopsis thaliana embryo (2021). Cytologia 86, 181-182. doi: 10.1508/cytologia.86.181 [Article].
- Fujihara R, Uchida N, Tameshige T, Kawamoto N, Hotokezaka Y, Higaki T, Simon R, Torii KU, Tasaka M, Aida M (2021). The boundary-expressed EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR-LIKE2 gene encoding a signaling peptide promotes cotyledon growth during Arabidopsis thaliana embryogenesis. Plant Biotechnol 38, 317-322. doi: 10.5511/plantbiotechnology.21.0508a [Article]
- Imoto A, Yamada M, Sakamoto T, Okuyama A, Ishida T, Sawa S, Aida M (2021). A ClearSee-based clearing protocol for 3D visualization of Arabidopsis thaliana embryos. Plants 10, 190. doi: 10.3390/plants10020190 [Article]
- Yokoi A, Aida M (2021). Postgenital fusion and epidermal cell fate control during gynoecium development. Cytologia 86, 1-2. doi: 10.1508/cytologia.86.1 [Article]
- Yamamoto K, Tasaka M, Aida M (2021). Genetic interactions between the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON and the BELLRINGER genes indicate their overlapping functions in carpel boundary development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Morphol 33, 95-100. doi: 10.5685/plmorphol.33.95 [Preprint] [Article]
- Aida M, Tsubakimoto Y, Shimizu S, Ogisu H, Kamiya M, Iwamoto R, Takeda S, Karim MR, Mizutani M, Lenhard M, Tasaka M (2020). Establishment of the embryonic shoot meristem involves activation of two classes of genes with opposing functions for meristem activities. Int J Mol Sci 21, 5864. doi: 10.3390/ijms21165864 [Article]
- Ishihara H, Sugimoto K, Tarr PT, Temman H, Kadokura S, Inui Y, Sakamoto T, Sasaki T, Aida M, Suzuki T, Inagaki S, Morohashi K, Seki M, Kakutani T, Meyerowitz E, Matsunaga S (2019). Primed histone demethylation regulates shoot regenerative competency. Nat Commun 10, 1786, doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-09386-5. [PubMed]
- Scofield S, Murison A, Jones A, Fozard J, Aida M, Band LR, Bennett M, Murray JAH (2018). Coordination of meristem and boundary functions by transcription factors in the SHOOT MERISTEMLESS regulatory network. Development 145, doi: 10.1242/dev.157081. [PubMed]
- Fujita Y, Koeduka T, Aida M, Suzuki H, Iijima Y, Matsui K (2017). Biosynthesis of volatile terpenes that accumulate in the secretory cavities of young leaves of Japanese pepper (Zanthoxylum piperitum): Isolation and functional characterization of monoterpene and sesquiterpene synthase genes. Plant Biotechnol 34, 17-28. doi: 10.5511/plantbiotechnology.16.1231a. [Article]
- Tameshige T, Okamoto S, Lee JS, Aida M, Tasaka M, Torii KU, Uchida N (2016). A secreted peptide and its receptors shape the auxin response pattern and leaf margin morphogenesis. Curr Biol 26, 1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2016.07.014. [PubMed]
- Hasegawa J, Sakamoto Y, Nakagami S, Aida M, Sawa S, Matsunaga S (2016). Three-dimensional imaging of plant organs using a simple and rapid transparency technique. Plant Cell Physiol 57, 462-472. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcw027. [PubMed]
- Landrein B, Kiss A, Sassi M, Chauvet A, Das P, Cortizo M, Laufs P, Takeda S, Aida M, Traas J, Vernoux T, Boudaoud A, Hamant O (2015). Mechanical stress contributes to the expression of the STM homeobox gene in Arabidopsis shoot meristems. eLife 4, e07811. doi: 10.7554/eLife.07811. [PubMed]
- Gonçalves B, Hasson A, Belcram K, Cortizo M, Morin H, Nikovics K, Vialette-Guiraud A, Takeda S, Aida M, Laufs P, Arnaud N (2015). A conserved role for CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes during ovule development. Plant J 83, 732-742. doi: 10.1111/tpj.12923. [PubMed]
- Burian A, Raczyńska-Szajgin M, Borowska-Wykręt D, Piatek A, Aida M, Kwiatkowska D (2015). The CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON2 and 3 genes have a post-meristematic effect on Arabidopsis thaliana phyllotaxis. Ann Bot 115, 807-820. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcv013. [PubMed]
- Kamiuchi Y, Yamamoto K, Furutani M,Tasaka M, Aida M (2014).The CUC1 and CUC2 genes promote carpel margin meristem formation during Arabidopsis gynoecium development. Front Plant Sci 5, 165. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00165. [Article]
- Ishida T, Tabata R, Yamada M, Aida M, Mitsumasu K, Fujiwara M, Yamaguchi K, Shigenobu S, Higuchi M, Tsuji H, Shimamoto K, Hasebe M, Fukuda H, and Sawa S. (2014). Heterotrimeric G proteins control stem cell proliferation through CLAVATA signaling in Arabidopsis. EMBO Rep 15, 1202-1209. doi: 10.15252/embr.201438660.[Article]
- Galbiati F, Sinha Roy D, Simonini S, Cucinotta M, Ceccato L, Cuesta C, Simaskova M, Benkova E, Kamiuchi Y, Aida M, Weijers D, Simon R, Masiero S, Colombo L (2013). An integrative model of the control of ovule primordia formation. Plant J 76, 446-455. [PubMed]
- Nahar MAU, Ishida T, Smyth DR, Tasaka M, Aida M (2012). Interactions of CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON and SPATULA genes control carpel margin development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol 53, 1134-1143. [PubMed]
- Takeda S, Hanano K, Kariya A, Shimizu S, Zhao L, Matsui M, Tasaka M, Aida M (2011). CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1 transcription factor activates the expression of LSH4 and LSH3, two members of the ALOG gene family, in shoot organ boundary cells. Plant J 66, 1066-1077. [PubMed]
- Nakamura N, Fukuchi-Mizutani M, Katsumoto Y, Togami J, Senior M, Matsuda Y, Furuichi K, Yoshimoto M, Matsunaga A, Ishiguro K, Aida M, Tasaka M, Fukui H, Tsuda S, Chandler S, Tanaka Y (2011). Environmental risk assessment and field performance of rose (Rosa×hybrida) genetically modified for delphinidin production. Plant Biotechnol 28, 251-261.
Takano S, Niihama M, Smith HMS, Tasaka M, Aida M (2010). gorgon, a novel missense mutation in the SHOOT MERISTEMLESS gene, impairs shoot meristem homeostasis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol 51, 621-634. [PubMed] [Cover Image →] [and more…]
- Tabata R, Ikezaki M, Fujibe T, Aida M, Tian CE, Ueno Y, Yamamoto KT, Machida Y, Nakamura K, Ishiguro S (2010). Arabidopsis AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR6 and 8 regulate jasmonic acid biosynthesis and floral organ development via repression of class 1 KNOX genes. Plant Cell Physiol 51, 164-175. [PubMed]
- Karim MR, Hirota A, Kwiatkowska D, Tasaka M, Aida M (2009). A role for Arabidopsis PUCHI in floral meristem identity and bract suppression. Plant Cell 21, 1360-1372. [PubMed][and more…]
- Tamaki H, Konishi M, Daimon Y, Aida M, Tasaka M, Sugiyama M (2009). Identification of novel meristem factors involved in shoot regeneration through the analysis of temperature-sensitive mutants of Arabidopsis. Plant J 57, 1027-1039. [PubMed]
- Igari K, Endo S, Hibara K, Aida M, Sakakibara H, Kawasaki T, Tasaka M (2008). Constitutive activation of a CC-NB-LRR protein alters morphogenesis through the cytokinin pathway in Arabidopsis. Plant J 55, 14-27. [PubMed]
- Kunieda T, Mitsuda N, Ohme-Takagi M, Takeda S, Aida M, Tasaka M, Kondo M, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I (2008). NAC Family Proteins NARS1/NAC2 and NARS2/NAM in the Outer Integument Regulate Embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 20, 2631-2642 (2008). [PubMed]
- Hirota A, Kato T, Fukaki H, Aida M, Tasaka M (2007). The auxin-regulated AP2/EREBP gene PUCHI is required for morphogenesis in the early lateral root primordium of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 19, 2156-2168. [PubMed]
- Hibara K, Karim MR, Takada S, Taoka K, Furutani M, Aida M, Tasaka M (2006). Arabidopsis CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON3 regulates postembryonic shoot meristem and organ boundary formation. Plant Cell 18, 2946-2957. [PubMed]
- Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, and Laufs P (2006). The Balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 Genes Controls Leaf Margin Serration in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 18, 2929-2945. [PubMed]
- Kwon CS, Hibara K, Pfluger J, Bezhani S, Metha H, Aida M, Tasaka M, Wagner D (2006). A role for chromatin remodeling in regulation of CUC gene expression in the Arabidopsis cotyledon boundary. Development 133, 3223-3230. [PubMed]
- Blilou I, Xu J, Wildwater M, Willemsen V, Paponov I, Friml J, Heidstra R, Aida M, Palme K, Scheres B (2005). The PIN auxin efflux facilitator network controls growth and patterning in Arabidopsis roots. Nature 433, 39-44. [PubMed]
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Furutani M, Vernoux T, Traas J, Kato T, Tasaka M, Aida M (2004). PIN-FORMED1 and PINOID regulate boundary formation and cotyledon development in Arabidopsis embryogenesis. Development 131, 5021-5030. [PubMed] [Cover Image →]
- Taoka K, Yanagimoto Y, Daimon Y, Hibara K, Aida M, Tasaka M (2004). The NAC domain mediates functional specificity of CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON proteins. Plant J 40, 462-473. [PubMed]
- Aida M, Vernoux T, Furutani M, Traas J, Tasaka M (2002). Roles of PIN-FORMED1 and MONOPTEROS in pattern formation of the apical region of the Arabidopsis embryo. Development 129, 3965-3974.[PubMed] [Article]
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- Jang JC, Fujioka S, Tasaka M, Seto H, Takatsuto S, Ishii A, Aida M, Yoshida S, Sheen J (2000). A critical role of sterols in embryonic patterning and meristem programming revealed by the fackel mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. Genes Dev 15, 1485-1497. [PubMed]
- Aida M, Ishida T, Tasaka M (1999). Shoot apical meristem and cotyledon formation during Arabidopsis embryogenesis: interaction among the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON and SHOOT MERISTEMLESS genes. Development 126, 1563-1570. [PubMed] [Article]
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Aida M, Ishida T, Fukaki H, Fujisawa H, Tasaka M (1997). Genes involved in organ separation in Arabidopsis: an analysis of the cup-shaped cotyledon mutant. Plant Cell 9, 841-857. [PubMed] [Cover Image →]
Review Articles
- Reyes-Olalde IJ, Aida M, de Folter S (2023). An evo-devo view of the gynoecium. J Exp Bot 74, 3933-3950. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erad135. [PubMed]
- Ikeda Y, Zalabák D, Kubalová I, Králová M, Brenner WG, Aida M (2021). Interpreting cytokinin action as anterograde signaling and beyond. Front Plant Sci 12, 641257. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.641257 [Article]
- Takeda S, Aida M (2010). Establishment of the embryonic shoot apical meristem in Arabidopsis thaliana. J Plant Res 124, 211-219. [PubMed]
- Aida M, Tasaka M (2006). Genetic control of shoot organ boundaries. Curr Opin Plant Biol9, 72-77.[PubMed]
- Aida M, Tasaka M (2006). Morphogenesis and patterning at the organ boundaries in the higher plant shoot apex. Plant Mol Biol 60, 915-928. [PubMed]
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- 相田光宏 (2005). シロイヌナズナの根における幹細胞ニッチのパターン形成. Patterning of the stem cell niche in the Arabidopsis root. 実験医学 pp. 403-405. 羊土社.
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- 植物学の百科事典 (2016), 日本植物学会編, 丸善出版, ISBN: 978-4-621-30038-1. 成長様式, pp. 460-461, 相田光宏(1項目の執筆)
- 植物の百科事典 (2009).石井龍一他編,朝倉書店,ISBN:4254171374.根端分裂組織,pp.216-217,相田光宏 (1項目の執筆).
- 種子の科学とバイオテクノロジー (2009).種子生理生化学研究会 編,学会出版センター,ISBN: 978-4-7622-3059-2.胚形成の生理~オーキシンの役割,pp. 28-32,相田光宏、田坂昌生(1章の執筆).
- 新版 植物の細胞を観る実験プロトコール 顕微鏡観察の基本から最新バイオイメージング技術まで (2006).福田裕穂,西村幹夫,中野明彦編,秀潤社,ISBN: 4-87962-299-0. 組織の透明化,pp.52-54,相田光宏(1項目の執筆).
- 改訂3版 モデル植物の実験プロトコール集 イネ・シロイヌナズナ・ミヤコグサ編 (2005).島本功,岡田清孝,田畑哲之編,秀潤社,ISBN: 4-87962-286-9.シロイヌナズナの胚と茎頂におけるin situハイブリダイゼーション法 ,pp.194-201,梶原隆仁,相田光宏,田坂昌生(1項目の執筆).
- Morphogenesis and pattern formation in biological systems (2003). eds Sekimura T, Noji S, Ueno N, Maini P K. Springer-Verlag Tokyo, Tokyo. Pattern formation during dicotyledonous plant embryogenesis. pp.139-152, Furutani M, Aida M, Tasaka M(1章の執筆).
- Meristematic tissues in plant growth and development (2001). eds MacManus M T, Veit B E, Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield. Shoot apical meristem formation in higher plant embryogenesis. pp58-88, Aida M, Tasaka M(1章の執筆).
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