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  • [Report] Visit to Kumamoto University by IROAST Visiting Professor HASNAT


[Report] Visit to Kumamoto University by IROAST Visiting Professor HASNAT

Jun 18, 2024

Prof. M. Abul HASNAT (Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh), an IROAST Visiting Professor, stayed at Kumamoto University for about 2 days, hosted by Prof. Shintaro IDA (IINa*).
On June 13, 2024, Prof. HASNAT, accompanied by Dr. Chowdhury Mohammad shahadat HUSSAIN, also from Bangladesh, paid a courtesy visit to Director Takashima and talked about his past relationship with Kumamoto University. He then gave a lecture to Kumamoto University researchers and students at the 123rd IROAST Seminar.
On the following day, they discussed future international collaboration with Dr. Ida and had an exchange within Ida's laboratory.
This visit was supported by the IROAST Visiting Professor and Visiting Associate Professor Invitation Program.

IROAST客員教授である、M. Abul HASNAT教授(シャジャラール科学技術大学・バングラデシュ)が、伊田 進太郎教授(産業ナノマテリアル研究所)の受け入れのもと、熊本大学に約2日間滞在しました。
6月13日に、HASNAT教授は、同じくバングラデシュより同行したChowdhury Mohammad shahadat HUSSAIN先生とともに高島研究機構長を訪問し、熊本大学とのこれまでの関係について語りました。その後、第123回IROASTセミナーで、熊本大学の研究者や学生への講演を行いました。

[At the meeting with Director Takashima]
(From left, Dr. Hasnat, Dr. Takashima, Dr. Hussain, and Dr. Rahman (IROAST))

[Discussion with Prof. Ida at IINa*]
(From left, Dr. Hussain, Dr. Ida, and Dr. Hasnat)

*IINa: Institute of Industrial Nanomaterials, Kumamoto University (熊本大学 産業ナノマテリアル研究所)

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