Research Support Programs for KU Researchers

Young Faculty Members Support Program for New IROAST Major Research Area FY2021 次期重点領域に係る若手研究者支援事業

[Closed for FY2021]

IROAST starts support for young researchers with challenging pioneering and high-potential research to lead to new IROAST major research area (Science and Technology for Developing a Well-Being Society-Beyond the SDGs), focusing on young researchers in the science and technology field who has potential to develop great strides on the international stage.

Therefore, IROAST would like to call for applications for this program as the following “Guideline.”


*Example of new IROAST major research areas
(Science and Technology for Developing a Well-Being Society-Beyond the SDGs)

・バイオ、医療関連(Biotechnology and Medical Care)
・低環境負荷関連(Environment-Friendly Technology)
・防災・減災関連(Disaster of Extreme Severity)
・農学を含む生物関連(Plant functions)
・新規構造材料・機能材料関連(New Structural Materials, Functional Materials)
・データサインエンス関連(Data Science (Big data, AI, etc.))
*上記に限定するものではありません(Not limited to the above)

Selected young faculty members of the program for FY2021

Assistant Professor TSAI, Allen Yi-Lun
Research Theme: Soil chemotactic signal perception and response of plant-parasitic nematodes
Research Keywords: Plant-parasitic nematodes, chemotaxis, epigenetics, mutagenesis, behavior inheritance
Research Fields: Botany

FY2022 理学部基礎研究助成
FY2022 めばえ研究推進事業NEO
FY2023 科研費(基盤C)

Associate Professor UEDA, Akira
Research Theme: Development of novel highly processable super/high conducting materials composed of purely organic small molecules
Research Keywords: Functional organic material, Superconductivity, Materials development, High processability
Research Fields: Chemistry (mainly Physical chemistry, Solid-state chemistry)

Partially Oxidized Purely Organic Zwitterionic Neutral Radical Conductor: Multi-step Phase Transitions and Crossover Caused by Intra- and Intermolecular Electronic

Specially Appointed Assistant Professor AHMAD, Muhammad Sohail 
Research Theme: Super selective hydrogen separation membranes based on two-dimensional carbon nanosheets: Toward a stable supply of hydrogen energy
Research Keywords: Materials Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Research Fields: Hydrogen energy, Graphene oxide, Membrane, H2 Separation

Heterogenized manganese catalyst for C-, and N-alkylation of ketones and amines with alcohols by pyrolysis of molecularly defined complexes

Associate Professor SEKINE, Yoshihiro
Research Theme: Development of Diamond Spin-Qubit Based on Graphene Oxide
Research Keywords: New structural material, Functional material
Research Fields: Spin-Qubit, Quantum computer, Graphene oxide, Elemental doping, Diamond

Crystal Design for Tuning the Mechanical Flexibilities of M(salophen) Complexes

Coupling Dielectric Functionality with Magnetic Properties in Coordination Metal Complexes

Project Assistant Professor NOZU, Ryo
Research Theme: Comparative genomics reveals the mechanism of gonadal sex change in fishes
Research Keywords: Fishes, Gonad, Sex change, Comparative genomics
Research Fields: Fisheries biology

Assistant Professor INOMATA, Yusuke
Research Theme: Development of Alkaline Copper Halide Based Circularly Polarized Luminescent Materials
Research Keywords: Circularly polarized luminescence, Chirality, Copper, Halide
Research Fields: New structural material, New functional material

Heterogenized manganese catalyst for C-, and N-alkylation of ketones and amines with alcohols by pyrolysis of molecularly defined complexes

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