(Report報告) The 125th IROAST Seminar was held 第125回IROASTセミナーが開催されました。

Jul 18, 2024

第3日目The Day 3 (7月17日 July 17)

Delmas先生による第125回 #IROAST セミナーの3日目最終日の講義ではコンピュータビジョンの実践で、ニュージーランドのPhDのTonyさんをZoomで呼び出し、参加者各自のPCでnnUNetを動かし、理解を深めました。

In the final day lecture on practical computer vision, we invited Tony, a PhD student from New Zealand, via Zoom, and deepened their understanding by running nnUNet on each participant's PC.

第2日目The Day 2 (7月16日 July 16)

Delmas先生による第125回 #IROAST セミナーの2日目の講義は、アノテーションデータを通してのトレーニングに取り組みました。参加者は、前回ダウンロードしたPythonに画像作成ドローソフトInkscapeをインストールし、ディープラーニング方法の一つである画像認識を、Delmas先生の用意された火山性土の画像を使用し、各自で取り組みました。
The second day of lectures at the 125th IROAST Seminar by Dr. DELMAS worked on training through annotated data. Participants installed the image creation draw software Inkscape in Python, which they had downloaded in the previous session, and worked on their own on image recognition, one of the deep learning methods, using images of volcanic soil prepared by Dr. DELMAS.

第1日目The Day 1 (7月12日 July 12)

7月12日に、椋木教授(熊本大学先端科学研究部)が世話人となり、Patrice DelmasIROAST客員教授(ニュージーランド・オークランド大学)の講義による3回シリーズの第125回IROASTセミナーの第1日目が開催され、学内の学生及び教員が参加しました。
IROAST客員教授であるPatrice Delmas先生は、1990年代後半から現在に至るまでのコンピュータービジョンと人工知能の基礎方法について30年以上の経験をもち、様々な研究領域で最新の応用技術を提供されています。

On July 12, the Day 1 session of the 125th IROAST Seminar, a series of three lectures by IROAST Visiting Professor Patrice DELMAS (University of Auckland, New Zealand), was held on July 12, 2024 by organized by Professor Toshifumi MUKUNOKI (Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology) and students and faculty members in the university participated.

IROAST Visiting Professor Patrice DELMAS has over 30 years of experience in foundational methods of computer vision and artificial intelligence from the late 1990s to the present, offering cutting-edge applications across various research fields. Today, he gave a lecture on the evolution of AI in the field of computer vision and current challenges, using examples from image sensors, and concluded with the installation of Python to be used in practice to create an environment for actual exercises starting next Tuesday.


椋木 俊文教授(熊本大学先端科学研究部)
Prof. Toshifumi MUKUNOKI (FAST, Kumamoto University)


Patrice DELMAS 准教授  (オークランド大学・ニュージーランド)
Associate Professor Patrice DELMAS (The University of Auckland, New Zealand)

会場の様子| At Venue

■ 実践指導の様子Practical guidance

集合写真|Group Photo

The 125th IROAST Seminar

Jun 28, 2024

国際先端科学技術研究機構(IROAST)は、ニュージーランドのオークランド大学所属のPatrice Delmas IROAST客員教授による、第125回 IROASTセミナーを下記のとおり開催いたします。

1.日時: 令和6年7月12日(金)・16日(火)・17日(水)の3日間  10:30am~12:00pm
2.会場: 黒髪南C2<58番>  3F 328会議室 (工学部1号館)

3.講演者・演題 (Speaker &Title):
        Dr. Patrice Delmas, Department of Computer Science, The University of Auckland
                         “AI and Computer vision for geo-materials”

4.概要(Abstract): Associate Professor Patrice Delmas has 30 years of experience in Computer Vision and Artificial intelligence from its early foundations methods of the late 1990s up to today's bleeding edge applications in a variety of research domains. Over 6 hours of mixed lectures and practical material, I will first briefly encompass the field evolution and today's challenges of the AI field when dealing with Computer Vision. We will then look at the concepts behind a popular deep learning approach, how to initiate the process of training and testing such deep learning models and what the results really mean. The exemplar data will be based on CT-scan data acquired at Kumamoto University X-earth Center as part of my IROAST role and our collaboration with Professor Toshifumi Mukunoki. You may bring your own dataset with you for discussion and advice.

5.世話人: 椋木 俊文 教授 (大学院先端科学研究部) 

※ 締切り: 7月8日(月)12:00pm まで  
【IROASTセミナーに関するお問合せ】 平川


IROAST will have the 125th IROAST Seminars by IROAST Visiting Professor Patrice Delmas, Department of Computer Science, The University of Auckland, as follows.
Anyone interested in this seminar is more than welcome. We hope to see you at the seminar.
※This seminar will be held in English.
    Registration is required. (Please refer to number 6.)

1. Date and time: July 12, 16 and 17, 2024     10:30 am – 12:00 pm

2. Venue: Kurokami South C2, 3F Room 328 (Faculty of Engineering Bldg.1)

3. Speaker, Title & Abstract: Referred to above

4. Organizer: Prof. Toshifumi MUKUNOKI (FAST, Kumamoto University)
5. Registration
Registration is required for this seminar so please be sure to register using the form below.
   Form for registration:
: 12:00pm, Monday, July 8

IROAST Seminar inquiries
Hirakawa (Ms.)

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