(Report報告)The 128th IROAST Seminar was held 第128回IROASTセミナーが開催されました。

Oct 08, 2024

2024年10月8日、木田 徹也教授(大学院先端科学研究部)とキタイン・アルマンド教授(多言語文化総合教育センター)が世話人となり、Suttichai ASSABUMRUNGRAT教授(チュラロンコン大学 化学工学部)をお迎えし、第128回IROASTセミナーが開催されました。

IROAST客員教授Suttichai ASSABUMRUNGRAT先生(タイ)は、「機能的触媒を使用したバイオマスの有用化学物質及びエネルギーへの転換技術の開発」の分野で世界クラスの研究を行っています。


On October 8, 2024, Professor Tetsuya Kida (Faculty of Advanced Science and Engineering) and Professor Armando T. Quitain (Center for International Education) served as the host for the 128th IROAST Seminar, welcoming Professor Suttichai Assabumrungrat (Chulalongkorn University, Department of Chemical Engineering).

Professor Suttichai Assabumrungrat, a visiting professor at IROAST from Thailand, is conducting world-class research in the field of developing technologies for converting biomass into useful chemicals and energy using functional catalysts.

He gave a lecture on the concept of multifunctional reactors, achievements of different types of multifunctional reactors, and some successful examples in chemical and petrochemical industries. He also talked about the Bio-Circular-Green Economy, a promising strategy towards achieving SDGs.


木田 撤也 教授(大学院先端科学研究部)
Prof. Tetsuya KIDA (FAST, Kumamoto University)

Prof. Armando T. QUITAIN (Center for International Education, Kumamoto University)




Suttichai ASSABUMRUNGRAT 客員教授  (チュラロンコン大学 化学工学部・タイ)
IROAST Visiting Professor Suttichai ASSABUMRUNGRAT (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)



会場の様子| At Venue



■集合写真|Group Photo

The 128th IROAST Seminar

Oct 1, 2024

国際先端科学技術研究機構(IROAST)は、チュラロンコン大学所属、Suttichai Assabumrungrat IROAST客員教授による、第128回IROASTセミナーを下記のとおり開催いたします。

1.日 時:令和6年10月8日(火)12:55~14:25

2.会 場:黒髪北地区 全学教育棟 28番

3.講演者・タイトル (Speaker & Title):

Professor Suttichai Assabumrungrat, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
“Multifunctional Reactor: The Key to Sustainable Production”


Multifunctional reactor is a chemical reactor that integrates one or more functions together with chemical reaction in one unit operation. It offers innovative solutions to enhance efficiency, reduce waste, and mitigate environmental impact. It has become an important approach towards achieving sustainable production and advancing the transition to carbon neutrality and net-zero emissions targets. This talk provides the concept of multifunctional reactor, different types of multifunctional reactor, and examples of past successful implementations in many processes particularly in chemical and petrochemical industries. It also highlights ongoing efforts to utilize multifunctional reactor in advancing development of the Bio-Circular-Green Economy, a promising strategy towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

5.世話人: 木田 徹也 教授 (大学院先端科学研究部)
                        キタイン アルマンド 教授(多言語文化総合教育センター)



IROAST will have the 128th IROAST Seminar by IROAST Visiting Professor Suttichai Assabumrungrat, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand as follows.
Anyone interested in this seminar is more than welcome. Registration is not required.
We hope to see you at the seminar.

1. Date and time: October 8 (Tue.), 2024 12:55-14:25

2. Venue: Room B201, General Education Building (Kurokami North E1)

3. Speaker, Title & Abstract: Referred to above

4. Organizers: Prof. Tetsuya Kida (FAST, Kumamoto University)

                            Prof. Armando T. Quitain (Center for International Education)

*This seminar will be held in English.


【IROAST Seminar inquiries】
Hirakawa (Ms.)

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