IROAST Distinguished Professor Yufeng ZHENG stayed in Japan for his research work from March 5 to 9.
On March 5, the first day, he attended IROAST Faculty meeting in the morning.
In the afternoon, he had a research discussion in Mine's lab with Prof. Youji MINE (FAST*) who is his host faculty and Assistant Prof. Kwangsik KWAK for making the detailed research plan for next fiscal year, and met with Associate Prof. Wei XU of Niidome Laboratory (FAST*) for sharing of each other's progress on the research discussed at the previous visit.
On the next day, he had a discussion with Assistant Prof. Daiki TAKANO in Mukunoki's lab for new joint research with Prof. Jun OTANI's research group.
He visited IRCMS in Honjo campus on March 7 and got a chance to meet with Associate Prof. Yuichiro ARIMA who is one of Dr. Zheng's collaborators, as well.
Dr. Arima introduced Associate Professor Yuta TAKAHASHI of IRCMS and they exchanged ideas.
In the afternoon, Associate Prof. Ruda LEE (IROAST International Joint Research Faculty Member/IINa*)visited Dr. Zheng's room at IROAST and they had a research discussion each other for the possibility of their collaboration.
On March 8-9, he participated in the 2025 Spring Meeting of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials (JIMM) held in Tokyo Metropolitan University and he had a chance to get a new connection with Japanese researchers in the same research field.
*FAST:Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Kumamoto University
**IINa: Institute of Industrial Nanomaterials, Kumamoto University