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  • Dr. Ishida Kei and his Research Unit members received “Intelligence, Informatics and Infrastructure Outstanding Potential Paper Award”「AI・データサイエンス奨励賞」


Dr. Ishida Kei and his Research Unit members received “Intelligence, Informatics and Infrastructure Outstanding Potential Paper Award”「AI・データサイエンス奨励賞」

Dec 10, 2021

Associate Professor ISHIDA Kei, an IROAST “Young Faculty Member for International Joint Research”, and his IROAST Research Unit members co-authored a paper entitled "A Study for Weak Learner in River Flow Estimation by Ensemble Learning”*, which received “Intelligence, Informatics and Infrastructure Outstanding Potential Paper Award” (「AI・データサイエンス奨励賞」) from the “Subcommittee on AI Application in Structural Engineering”, Committee on Structural Engineering, JSCE*, for his co-authored paper "A Study for Weak Learner in River Flow Estimation by Ensemble Learning”.

This domestic paper summarizes the results of research conducted at his research unit of “Deep Learning for Hydrology” which is one of the 26 Research Units the IROAST configurate, and is published in “Intelligence, Informatics and Infrastructure, 2021, Vol.2, J2”(「AI・データサイエンス論文集2巻(2021)J2号」)

*"A Study for Weak Learner in River Flow Estimation by Ensemble Learning”;日本語論文名「アンサンブル学習による河川流量推定における弱学習器に対する考察」
*“Subcommittee on AI Application in Structural Engineering”, Committee on Structural Engineering, JSCE:土木学会 構造工学委員会「構造工学でのAI活用に関する研究小委員会」

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