Research Support Programs

IROAST Research Internship Program ~Hybrid (Online & In-person) Internship Program~

on April 24, 2024

《1st Call for FY2024 令和6年度第1期募集》





 The International Research Organization for Advanced Science and Technology (IROAST) has been offering an internship program since FY 2018, in which students and young researchers enrolled in foreign universities and research institutes are accepted for a short period of time and provided with mainly research guidance in order to give them with the opportunity to gain a variety of experiences and develop as researchers through research in an environment different from their home laboratories.

Furthermore, from FY2022 (the second phase), in order to "attract excellent human resources from abroad” with the aim of realizing "the formation of an international research center that attracts excellent researchers from all over the world,", the existing internship program has been developed into a hybrid type of internship (combining online and in-person research at our University), which has been well evaluated by the participants, as they are able to fully prepare the internship content before coming to Japan and receive reliable feedback from the internship host faculty afterwards, which is more satisfactory than the conventional internship program.

Therefore, we would like to call for internship participants in the same way as the last fiscal year. If you wish to participate in this program, please refer to the attached the implementation guidelines and the application guidelines for internship applicants and submit the application documents through your prospective faculty member so that they arrive at the IROAST office in principle at least one month before the start of the internship.

Please note that participants' affiliations are limited to Europe, the USA, Oceania and Asia, where future expansion of exchanges can be expected.


      【Documents for submission提出書類】

  • Application&CV Form申請書様式 (DOC 54KB)
  • A Letter of Recommendation (from your supervisor or professor at your university or organization)  *There is no specific format for this.
    所属機関の指導教員による推薦状  *様式自由


  • August 30th, 2024  令和6年8月30日


  • Application Guidelines 応募要領 (PDF 216KB)


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