• 令和6年度IROAST「特別研究員研究成果発表会」-第127回 IROAST セミナー-開催のお知らせ IROAST Presentation of Research Results by IROAST Postdoctoral Researchers-The 127th IROAST seminar-


(Report報告)The Presentation of Research Results by IROAST Postdoctoral Researchers 2024 (the 127th IROAST Seminar) was held. 「令和6年度IROAST特別研究員研究成果発表会」(第127回IROASTセミナー)が開催されました

Aug 21, 2024





On August 21, 2024, the IROAST held the Presentation of Research Results by IROAST Postdoctoral Researchers 2024 (the 127th IROAST Seminar).

This presentation was held in connection with the completion of the activities of three postdoctoral researchers hired under the "Foreign Postdoctoral Researcher Invitational Program for Strategic International Growth" at the end of August this year, and was attended by about 40 faculty members and students.

After an opening address by Dr. Kazuki TAKASHIMA, Director of the Research Organization, the three researchers gave presentations on their achievements during their two years at IROAST. After each presentation, questions from the audience followed, making the event a very productive one, and Deputy Director Kei TODA concluded with his impressions of the meeting.

After the presentations, a farewell party was also held for the three postdoctoral fellows, where their activities over the past two years were praised. We look forward to their further progress in their next steps.

■ 司会|Facilitator

副研究機構長  戸田 敬
 Prof. Kei TODA, IROAST Vice Director

■ 開会|Opening

研究機構長  高島 和希
 Prof. Kazuki TAKASHIMA, IROAST Director

■ 発表|Presentations

特別研究員 Dr. Reetu Rani, Doctoral Researcher, IROAST

特別研究員 Dr. Prafulla Bahadur MALLA, Doctoral Researcher, IROAST

特別研究員 Dr. Jonas Karl N. AGUTAYA, Doctoral Researcher, IROAST 

■ 会場の様子|Venue

■ 閉会|Closing

副研究機構長  戸田 敬
 Prof. Kei TODA, IROAST Vice Director


令和6年度IROAST「特別研究員研究成果発表会」-第127回 IROAST セミナー-開催のお知らせ
IROAST Presentation of Research Results by IROAST Postdoctoral Researchers-The 127th IROAST seminar-

Jul 29, 2024





日時: 令和6年8月21日(水)午後4:30-6:00 

場所: IROAST会議室204号室(熊本大学共用棟黒髪2 2階)


    4:35-4:50  「Exploring methods for selective transfer of ionic solutes」
                               Reetu Rani 特別研究員
                             (受入指導教員:大平 慎一 教授)*大学院先端科学研究部(理) 

       4:55-5:10  「Seismic Performance of Shear Walls with Low Bond Ultra High-Performance
        Reinforcing steel bars under Multiple Reversed Cyclic Loading」
                               MALLA Prafulla Bahadur 特別研究員
                            (受入指導教員:蔡 高創 准教授)*国際先端科学技術研究機構(IROAST) 

  5:15-5:30  「Elucidation of the gas sensing mechanism of semiconductor metal oxides by
                                a combined DRIFTS and DFT approach」
                               AGUTAYA Jonas  特別研究員
                            (受入指導教員:木田 徹也 教授)*大学院先端科学研究部(工)


Email: szk-kiko@jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp



We are pleased to announce that we will hold the Presentation of Research Results by IROAST Postdoctoral Researchers 2024 to provide them with a place to present the results of their research and to promote the achievements of their research over the past two years within the university, and to promote exchange and collaboration among researchers in the university, As the three Postdoctoral Researchers hired in September 2022 under the "Foreign Postdoctoral Researcher Invitational Program for Strategic International Growth" will finish their activities at IROAST at the end of August this year, as follows.

Anyone on campus interested in this event is more than welcome. We hope to see you at the presentation.

※This presentation will be held in English and registration is not required.


Date and Time: 4:30pm-6:00pm on August 21, 2024 (Wednesday)

Location: IROAST Meeting Room #204 (2F, Academic Commons Kurokami Bldg. 2)
      Kurokami South C4: https://iroast.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/contact/

Title & Presenters:

4:35-4:50   "Exploring methods for selective transfer of ionic solutes"
      Dr. Reetu Rani
       (Advisor: Professor Shinichi Ohira) *FAST

4:55-5:10   "Seismic Performance of Shear Walls with Low Bond Ultra High-Performance
                       Reinforcing steel bars under Multiple Reversed Cyclic Loading "
      Dr. MALLA Prafulla Bahadur
         (Advisor: Associate Professor GaoChuang Cai) *IROAST

5:15-5:30   “Elucidation of the gas sensing mechanism of semiconductor metal oxides by
                        a combined DRIFTS and DFT approach”
                         Dr. AGUTAYA Jonas
                           (Advisor: Professor Tetsuya Kida) *FAST 

IROAST inquiries
Motoori (Ms.)

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