• The 120th and 121st IROAST Seminar 第120回・第121回IROASTセミナー開催について


(Report報告)The 120th and 121st IROAST Seminar were held 第120回及び第121回IROASTセミナーが開催されました

May 23, 2024

120IROASTセミナー (5月21日 May 21, 2024)

Dmitri Molodov 先生(IROAST卓越教授)(ドイツ)が、「結晶粒界」に関する興味深い講演を行いました。

 On May 21, 2024, the 120th IROAST Seminar, hosted by Professor. Sadahiro TSUREKAWA (FAST,Kumamoto University), was held and the students and faculty members on campus attended.Prof. Tsurekawa, the organizer, introduced to the students that he is a world authority in the field of grain boundary research and has published many books in this field.
Professor. Domitri Molodov from Germany gave an interesting lecture on grain boundaries.


連川 貞弘教授(熊本大学先端科学研究部)
Prof. Sadahiro TSUREKAWA (FAST, Kumamoto University)


Dmitri Molodov IROAST 卓越教授  (アーヘン工科大学・ドイツ)
IROAST Distinguished Professor Dmitri A. Molodov (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)

会場の様子| At Venue


集合写真|Group Photo

121IROASTセミナー (5月23日 May 23, 2024)


The 121st seminar on May 23 followed the theme of the previous 120th seminar, “Migration of Grain Boundaries,” also presented by Dr. Molodov. In this lecture, based on the basic content of the previous lecture, more concrete experimental data were presented for deeper understanding.


連川 貞弘教授(熊本大学先端科学研究部)
Prof. Sadahiro TSUREKAWA (FAST, Kumamoto University)


Dmitri Molodov IROAST 卓越教授  (アーヘン工科大学・ドイツ)
IROAST Distinguished Professor Dmitri A. Molodov (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)

■会場の様子| At Venue

The 120th and 121st IROAST Seminar 第120回・第121回IROASTセミナー開催について

May 8, 2024


国際先端科学技術研究機構(IROAST)では、Dmitri Molodov 先生(IROAST卓越教授)による、第120回及び121回 IROAST セミナーを下記のとおり開催いたします。


1.日 時:令和 6年 5月 21日(火)10:25-11:55

2.会 場黒髪南C3 (工学部研究棟Ⅰ) 59番 308講義室                                                               

3.演 題:Migration of Grain Boundaries Ⅰ:
   (Topics) Fundamentals. Grain boundary mobility
                    Driving forces for grain boundary motion
                    Drag effects during grain boundary motion
                    Measurement of grain boundary migration


1.日 時:令和 6年 5月 23日(木)8:40-10:10

2.会 場黒髪南C3 (工学部研究棟Ⅰ) 59番 308講義室

3.演 題:Migration of Grain Boundaries Ⅱ:
  (Topics) Relation between driving force and boundary migration rate
                  Misorientation dependence of grain boundary mobility
                  Mechanically driven grain boundary migration coupled to shear
                  Magnetically induced grain boundary migration in non-ferromagnetic metals                                     

4.講演者Dmitri Molodov IROAST 卓越教授(ドイツ)

5.世話人: 連川 貞弘 教授(大学院先端科学研究部(工))



(English version)

IROAST will have the 120th & 121st IROAST Seminar by IROAST Distinguished Professor Dmitri Molodov as follows.
Anyone interested in this seminar is more than welcome. Registration is not required.
We hope to see you at the seminar.

--120th seminar--

  1. Date and time: Tue, May 21, 2024   10:25 - 11:55
  2. Venue: Room 308, Kurokami South C3 (Faculty of Engineering Research Bldg. I) 
  1. Title & Short Abstract: Referred to Above.

--121st seminar--

  1. Date and time: Thu, May 23, 2024   8:40-10:10
  2. Venue: Room 308, Kurokami South C3 (Faculty of Engineering Research Bldg. I) 
  1. Title & Short Abstract: Referred to Above.
  1. Speaker: Prof. Dmitri Molodov, IROAST Distinguished Professor
  2. Organizer: Prof. Sadahiro Tsurekawa (FAST, Kumamoto University)
                          E-mail: tsurekawa[at]kumamoto-u.ac.jp
  3. Remarks: This seminar will be held in English.

【IROAST Seminar inquiries】

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