(Report報告)The 139th IROAST Seminar was held 第139回IROASTセミナーが開催されました

Dec 20, 2024

2024年12月20日、張 浩 教授(大学院先端科学研究部)が世話人による第139回IROASTセミナーに、ケンブリッジ大学所属のDongfang LIANG教授(IROAST客員教授)をお迎えしました。


On December 20, 2024, we welcomed Prof. Dongfang LIANG (IROAST Visiting Professor), the University of Cambridge, to the 139th IROAST Seminar, which was organized by Prof. Hiroshi CHO ( Faculty of Advanced Sciences and Technology).
Prof. Liang has been a visiting associate professor at IROAST since this fiscal year and came to Japan this time with the support of the “IROAST Invitation Support Program".

In this seminar titled "Meshfree Modelling of Ocean Waves, Landslides and Soil-Water Interactions" he gave a lecture from the viewpoints of basic theories and numerical methods related to water.
At the beginning of the lecture, the University of Cambridge was introduced, and it seemed to be a good stimulus for the participating students to learn about the prestigious university with a long history.

■ Organizer|世話人

張 浩 教授 (大学院先端科学研究部)
Prof. Hiroshi CHO (FAST, Kumamoto University)


ケンブリッジ大学(イギリス)Dongfang LIANG教授
Prof.Dongfang LIANG, University of Cambridge, UK

■At Venue|会場の様子

■質疑応答|Q &A

■Group Photo|集合写真


The 139th IROAST Seminar

Dec 6, 2024


国際先端科学技術研究機構(IROAST)は、ケンブリッジ大学所属、Dongfang LIANG教授(IROAST客員教授)による第139回IROASTセミナーを下記のとおり開催いたします。

1.日 時:令和6年12月20日(金)10:25~11:55

2.会 場:黒髪南C2 (工学部1号館) 4F, 401室 58番 

3.講演者・演題 (Speaker & Title):

   Prof.Dongfang LIANG, University of Cambridge, UK
 “Meshfree Modelling of Ocean Waves, Landslides and Soil-Water Interactions”

4.概要 (Abstract) :
Traditionally, the numerical solution of continuum mechanics problems requires the decomposition of the domain with computational mesh. Once the domain boundary changes, the mesh should be updated to adapt to the new boundary. This talk will show several examples of applying the modern meshfree computational methods to civil engineering problems involving large deformations at the boundary, such as nonlinear ocean waves, sediment transport and landslides. The meshfree methods are ideal for this type of problems, because they inherently avoid the mesh distortion. In civil engineering, the strong interactions between soil and water are often crucial in the phenomena like the seepage induced slope instability and wave runup on porous beaches. The necessity of considering the dynamic coupling between the soil and water phases will be explained as well as the importance of satisfying both the mass and momentum conservation principles. The meshfree methods included in this talk are the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and Material Point Method (MPM), which have been increasingly used in scientific computing.

5.世話人: 張 浩 教授 (大学院先端科学研究部)



IROAST will have the 139th IROAST Seminar by IROAST Visiting Professor Dongfang LIANG, University of Cambridge, UK as follows.
Anyone interested in this seminar is more than welcome. Registration is not required.
We hope to see you at the seminar.

  1. Date and time: December 20th (Friday), 10:25~11:55
  2. Venue: Kurokami South C2, 4F, Room 401 (Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 1)
  3. Speaker, Title & Abstract: Referred to above
  4. Organizer: Prof. Hiroshi CHO (FAST, Kumamoto University)
  5. Remarks: This seminar will be held in English.

IROAST Seminar inquiries
Hirakawa (Ms.)

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