国際先端科学技術研究機構(IROAST)は、サザンクィーンズランド大学所属、Abdul HAFEEZ-BAIG准教授 による、第141回IROASTセミナーを下記のとおり開催いたします。興味のある方はどなたでもご参加いただけます。多くの皆さまのご参加をお待ちしております。本セミナーは英語にて行います。事前登録は不要です。
1.日 時:令和7年3月14日(金)16:00~17:00
2.会 場:黒髪南W2 49番 (総合研究棟) 204室
3.講演者・演題 (Speaker & Title):
サザンクイーンズランド大学 (オーストラリア) Abdul HAFEEZ-BAIG准教授
“Healthcare and Technology”
4.概要 (Abstract) :
Healthcare and technology have shared a dynamic, interdependent relationship for many years, significantly impacting health services worldwide. Over the past decade, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, deep learning, handheld wireless technology, and various diagnostic innovations have transformed the way we perceive and integrate technology into healthcare.
This talk will explore a fundamental question: Does healthcare drive technology, or does technology drive healthcare? Through an analysis of emerging trends and real-world applications, we will examine how these two domains influence and shape each other in the modern era.
5.世話人: 小林 牧子 教授 (大学院先端科学研究部)
Email: szk-kiko@jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp
IROAST will have the 141st IROAST Seminar by Associate Professor Abdul HAFFEZ-BAIG, University of Southern Queensland, Australia as follows. Anyone interested in this seminar is more than welcome. Registration is not required.We hope to see you at the seminar.
IROAST Seminar inquiries
Hirakawa (Ms.)