• The 19th IROAST Symposium ~Post PDSTM International Conference on Spin Transition~ 第19回IROASTシンポジウム開催のお知らせ


(Report報告)第19回IROASTシンポジウムを開催しました The 19th IROAST Symposium was held

Dec 04, 2023

12月2日から4日まで、 速水真也 教授が世話人となり、第19回IROAST Symposium" Post PDSTM International Conference on Spin Transition "が開催されました。

The 19th IROAST Symposium "Post PDSTM International Conference on Spin Transition" was held from 2-4 December, organized by Prof. Shinya HAYAMI.
Many people participated throughout the three days.


The 19th IROAST Symposium ~Post PDSTM International Conference on Spin Transition~

Nov 24, 2023

国際先端科学技術研究機構(IROAST)では、第19回IROAST Symposium"Post PDSTM International Conference on Spin Transition "を下記のとおり開催いたします。



1. 日時・会場
  令和5年12月2日(土) 9:00~18:10    熊本大学工学部百周年記念館(黒髪南地区 56番
  令和5年12月3日(日) 9:00~18:10     アークホテル熊本城前 会議室「椿・朝顔」
  令和5年12月4日(月) 9:00~18:35     アークホテル熊本城前 会議室「椿・朝顔」

2. プログラム 

3. 登録について

4. 問い合わせ先
 速水 真也 教授(大学院先端科学研究部(理学系))
 E-mail: hayami@kumamoto-u.ac.jp


The International Research Organization for Advanced Science and Technology (IROAST) is pleased to announce a symposium, “Post PDSTM International Conference on Spin Transition” organized by Professor Shinya Hayami, Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology (FAST) as follows. This international conference is a new series focusing on molecular spin transition phenomena. The conference series aims to promote collaboration within the community through in-depth discussions and to encourage young researchers to jump into this pool.

All interested parties are welcome to attend. Registration is required. We look forward to seeing many of you there.

  1. Date & Time / Venue
    Sat, December 2, 9:00 - 18:20  100th Anniversary Hall, Kurokami South Campus, Kumamoto University (Kurokami South W10)
    Sun, December 3, 9:00 - 18:10  Room Tsubaki & Asagao, Arc Hotel Kumamotojomae
    Mon, Decemebr 4, 9:00 – 18:35 Room Tsubaki & Asagao, Arc Hotel Kumamotojomae
  2. Program
    Please refer to the following URL for more information on speakers and time schedule.

  3. Registration
    Registration: Please send the following information to "4. Organizer".
    E-mail address:
    Registration fee: Free for participants from KU
  1. Organizer
    Prof. Shinya Hayami, Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology
    E-mail: hayami@kumamoto-u.ac.jp
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