2025年1月8日に、「International Mini-Symposium on Sustainable and Carbon-Neutral Structures and Materials」と題した第20回IROASTシンポジウム が、中国・フランス・イギリスから発表者をお招きし開催されました。
The 20th IROAST Symposium entitled “International Mini-Symposium on Sustainable and Carbon-Neutral Structures and Materials” was held on January 8, 2025. The symposium invited presenters from China, France, and the United Kingdom.
After an opening address by Prof. Takashima, researchers presented their research results and exchanged discussions.
■ 世話人|Organizer
蔡 高創 准教授(国際先端科学技術研究機構)
Associate Professor Gaochuang CAI (IROAST)
■ 開会挨拶|Opening Address
研究機構長 高島 和希
Yan XIAO Qiushi 特別教授 浙江大学(中国)
Prof. Yan XIAO Qiushi Distinguished Chair Professor, Zhejiang University (China)
Amir SI LARBI教授 Ecole Centrale de Lyon (フランス)
Prof. Amir SI LARBI, Full Professor, Ecole Centrale de Lyon (France)
Prof. Konstantinos Daniel TSAVDARIDIS, Full Professor City, University of London (U.K.)
Konstantinos Daniel TSAVDARIDIS 教授 ロンドン大学シティ校 (英国)
Ilias (Elias) DIMITRAKOPOULOS教授 香港科技大学 (中国)
Prof. Ilias (Elias) DIMITRAKOPOULOS, Professor Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, (China)
Mauricio Cardenas LAVERDE准教授 深圳大学 (中国)
Assoc. Prof. Mauricio Cardenas LAVERDE, Associate professor Shenzhen University (China)
黒岩 裕樹准教授 熊本大学 大学院先端科学研究部
Assoc. Prof. Yuki KUROIWA, Associate Professor FAST, Kumamoto University
P. MALLA 特別研究員 熊本大学 国際先端科学技術研究機構
Dr. P. MALLA, Postdoctoral Researcher IROAST, Kumamoto University
原 旦 修士課程学生(*交換留学生(西安理工大学))熊本大学 大学院自然科学研究部
Mr. Dan YUAN, Master Course Student (*Exchange student from Xi'an University of Technology)
GSST, Kumamoto University
■集合写真|Group Photo
Mauricio Cardenas LAVERDE准教授, Ph.D.
深圳大学 (中国)
Founding architect of Cardenas Conscious Design Studio, Milan, Italy
タイトル: Innovative dry-mounted connection systems for Bamboo low-carbon Architecture
黒岩 裕樹准教授
熊本大学 大学院先端科学研究部(日本)
タイトル:Reusable fitting connector for sustainable architecture
【問い合わせ先】自然科学系事務課 国際先端科学技術研究機構(IROAST)担当
E-mail: szk-kiko@jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp
IROAST will have the 20th IROAST symposium on structural safety and sustainability by IROAST visiting professors as follows:
Anyone interested in this symposium is more than welcome. Registration is not required.
We hope to see you at the symposium.
2) Prof. Amir SI LARBI, Full Professor
Ecole Centrale de Lyon (France) *IROAST Visiting Prof.
Title: Recent advances in TRC for civil engineering
3) Prof. Konstantinos Daniel TSAVDARIDIS, Full Professor
City, University of London (U.K.) *IROAST Visiting Prof.
Title: Sustainable Steel-Concrete Composite Flooring Systems
4) Prof. Ilias (Elias) DIMITRAKOPOULOS, Professor
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, (China)
Title: Can we build properly engineered structures using bamboo culms?
5) Assoc. Prof. Mauricio Cardenas LAVERDE, Associate professor
Shenzhen University (China)
Founding architect of Cardenas Conscious Design Studio, Milan (Italy)
Title: Innovative dry-mounted connection systems for Bamboo low-carbon Architecture
6) Assoc. Prof. Yuki KUROIWA, Associate Professor
FAST, Kumamoto University (Japan)
Title: Reusable fitting connector for sustainable architecture
7) Dr. P. MALLA, Postdoctoral Researcher
IROAST, Kumamoto University (Japan)
Title: Experimental and numerical study of RRC walls under multiple repeated lateral loads
8) Mr. Dan YUAN, Master Course Student (short-term exchange student from Xi'an University of Technology)
GSST, Kumamoto University (Japan)
Title: Computational analysis of seismic capacity of RC columns leveraging AI and data-driven approaches
*This symposium will be held in English.
Organizer & Inquiry: Associate Professor Gaochuang Cai
IROAST, Kumamoto University
E-mail: cai @kumamoto-u.ac.jp
[IROAST inquiries]:
International Research Organization for Advanced Science and Technology (IROAST)
Hirakawa (Ms.)
E-mail: szk-kiko@jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp