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  • Master course student from Indonesia Completed her Internship Program for 8 weeks


Master course student from Indonesia Completed her Internship Program for 8 weeks

Feb 28, 2025

Ms. Rohmah HIDAYAH, a master student at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in Indonesia, completed her 8-week Internship Program coordinated by Associate Professor Yuta NAKASHIMA (IROAST International Joint Research Facluty Member/FAST*) and she received the certificate of completion from Vice Director Kei TODA in the end of February.

  From left, Dr. Nakashima, Ms. Hidayah, and Dr. Toda

~Report of Rohmah Hidayah's 2-month internship~
"Study on medical applications of microdevices fabricated using semiconductor fabrication technology conducted in this laboratory"

In the first part of the internship, after learning about the semiconductor fabrication process, the interns practiced fabricating microdevices.

Next, she practiced cell culture and cultured cells on the fabricated microdevices and formed cell patterns using the devices. Although she herself specialized in data science and had no experience in semiconductor processing technology, microdevices, or cell culture, which was outside her field, she actively worked on the research with the lab members and absorbed and mastered many techniques.

Ultimately, she worked on basic verification of the results obtained from the bio-microdevices with the goal of linking them to fusion research that makes full use of data science to analyze them.

She is particularly interested in the field of medical engineering, and his curiosity and proactive activities have paved the way for future fusion research.
She also has excellent communication skills, and has contributed to deepening interactions with laboratory members and enhancing their international awareness.

[Week 1]


[Week 2&3]

[Week 6&7]

*FAST: Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Kumamoto University

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