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  • IROAST Hybrid Research Internship Program conducted in July by Dr Ruda LEE Completed!


IROAST Hybrid Research Internship Program conducted in July by Dr Ruda LEE Completed!

Jul 29, 2024

Ms. Yoonjoo NAM, an internship student from Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) in Korea, completed her IROAST Hybrid Research Internship Program hosted by Dr. Ruda LEE, (IROAST International Joint Research Faculty Member/Associate Professor, IINa).

Before returning to her home countries, they visited IROAST and Ms. NAM received certificates of completion from Vice Director Kei TODA. During her 2-week internship period, she worked on her theme “the role of extrachromosomal DNA in cancer drug resistance acquisition", and learned how to extract DNA from cells and perform an agarose gel assay. Now, she can handle the experiments by herself, making it easier to organize them on both the Japanese and Korean sides.

In addition, Dr. Hoon KIM, her supervisor at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) and an IROAST Visiting Professor, also visited Kumamoto University during the period and they were able to discuss future collaborative research together face-to-face.

They plan to submit a paper on these results by the end of this year.


(From left, Dr. Lee, Ms. Nam, and Vice Director Toda)


Week 1: DNA Extraction Process and Quantification Results of Extracted DNA

Week 2: PCR Experiment Procedure and Results


IROAST Visiting Profesor Hoon KIM's visit to Kumamoto University (July 24-26)

(From left, Dr. Kim and Dr. Lee)

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