For young researchers For KU researchers
For young researchers
For KU researchers
- IROAST International Joint Research Faculty Members

The purpose is to strengthen international research and cultivate internationally competent researchers by supporting outstanding researchers in the natural sciences who conduct joint research with researchers from world-class universities and research institutions.
- IROAST International Joint Research Travel Support Program

This program aims to facilitate international joint research in the science and technology fields of Kumamoto University and increase the university’s international presence in academic research by sending outstanding young faculty members overseas, and to foster research areas that will leads the next generation by promoting international joint research.
- IROAST Visiting Professor and Visiting Associate Professor Invitation Program

IROAST support proposals that strengthen international research capabilities in science and technology at Kumamoto University by inviting world-class visiting faculty from world-leading universities and research institutes for international seminars and symposiums, international joint research and interdisciplinary research, and so on.
- IROAST Proofreading/Publication Support Program

To support researchers in IROAST and the science and technology departments (institutes) of Kumamoto University who are planning to publish their research findings in distinguished international scientific journals, IROAST has established a fund to lessen the publishing financial burden.
- IROAST Symposiums Support Program

IROAST aim to support proposals that strengthen research capabilities in the field of science and technology at Kumamoto University by inviting world-class visiting faculty from world-leading universities and research institutes for international symposiums.
- Support Program for Young Researchers

IROAST focuses on fostering promising young researchers who will lead the future in the field of science and technology, and promoting international joint research and interdisciplinary research. to find “gemstones” with outstanding creativity and foster them into the world-class researchers, we have offered research funding support to the selected outstanding young researchers since the second phase.