• IINa-IROAST Joint Seminar (The 2nd IINa International Seminar/The 122nd IROAST Seminar) IINa-IROASTジョイントセミナー(第2回IINa国際セミナー/第122回IROASTセミナー) 開催のお知らせ


(Report報告)The 122nd IROAST Seminar was held 第122 回IROASTセミナーが開催されました

May 28, 2024

2024年5月28日、ホサノ ハミド教授(産業ナノマテリアル研究所/IROASTリサーチクラスター*コーディネーター)が世話人となり、Viren Menezes教授(インド工科大学ボンベイ校(インド)/IROASTリサーチクラスター)をお迎えし、第122回IROASTセミナーが開催されました。


On May 24, the 122nd IROAST Seminar, hosted by Professor Hamid Hosano (IINa), took place with visiting Professor Menezes from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, the top institution in India.
Professor Menezes and Prof. Hosano have been collaborating research on the medical and industrial applications of shock waves since they joined together at Tohoku University in 2003, and has been working on it for over 20 years. This time, he lectured about a drug delivery device that does not use needles to inject liquid drugs into soft tissues of the skin.

After the seminar, Dr. Menezes and Dr. Hosano met with Director Takashima and discussed future cooperation with IROAST.

*IROAST Research Clusters: IROAST support the formation of research clusters with the aim of establishing an interdisciplinary, cutting-edge international collaborative research network.


ホサノ ハミド教授(産業ナノマテリアル研究所/IROASTリサーチクラスター* コーディネーター)
Prof. Hamid Hosano (IINa/IROAST Research Cluster* Coordinator)



Viren Menezes教授 インド工科大ボンベイ校(インド)
Prof. Viren Menezes (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)

■会場の様子| At Venue

■高島研究機構長との面会の様子|Meeting with Director TAKASHIMA

From left, Dr. Hosano, Dr. Menezes, and Dr. Takashima


IINa-IROAST Joint Seminar (The 2nd IINa International Seminar/The 122nd IROAST Seminar)

May 24, 2024


 日 時:令和 6年 5月 28日(火) 13時30分より14時00分

 会 場:共用棟黒髪3 5階 516号室
                     黒髪南C7( 63番)    

 講演者:Viren MENEZES 教授
                   (インド工科大学ボンベイ校 (インド)/IROASTリサーチクラスター* メンバー)

   演 題:Shock wave driven drug injector 

   概要(Abstract):  The talk presents a needle-free drug delivery device for liquid drug injection into skin and other soft living targets. The device is powered by a shock wave, which forces a micro drug jet out of a 125 µm nozzle at a very high speed, such that the jet has enough momentum to penetrate a soft target. The depth of jet penetration has been found sufficient for drug uptake by the target body.

   世話人:ホサノ ハミド 教授
                     (産業ナノマテリアル研究所/IROASTリサーチクラスター* コーディネーター)
                      *IROAST リサーチクラスター "Nano-medicine and Drug Delivery System"


The Institute of Industrial Nanomaterials(IINa) and the International Research Organization for Advanced Science and Technology (IROAST) are pleased to announce a joint seminar as follows.
We look forward to seeing many of you there.

 Date & Time: Tuesday, May 28, 2024   1:30pm-2:00pm

 Venue: Room 516, Academic Commons Kurokami Bldg. 3 (5F)
                  Kurokami South Campus C7

 Lecturer: Prof. Viren Menezes, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (India)
                       (IROAST Research Cluster* member)

 Title: Shock wave driven drug injector

   Abstract: See above

    Organizer:Prof. Hamid Hosano (IINa/IROAST Research Cluster* Coordinator)
                        *IROAST Research Cluster "Nano-medicine and Drug Delivery System"

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