(Report報告)The 126th IROAST Seminar was held 第126回IROASTセミナーが開催されました

Jul 26, 2024

2024年7月26日、IROAST国際共同研究員である佐々木満准教授(産業ナノマテリアル研究所)が世話人となり、Youn-Woo LEE教授(ソウル大学校)をお迎えし、第126回IROASTセミナーが開催されました。
IROAST客員教授であるYoun-Woo LEE先生(韓国)は、ソウル大学校が長年取り組んできた研究活動である超臨界CO2技術について、セサミオイル抽出、コーヒー豆抽出、朝鮮王朝の年代記の紙の劣化を抑える方法等を例にあげ講義をしました。Lee教授は、コロナ禍以前は熊本大学に毎年訪れており、オープニングでは、その際の熊本大学の日本語クラスを受講した時のエピソードを交え、熊本は第二の故郷だと熱く語ってくれました。

On July 26, 2024, Associate Professor Mitsuru SASAKI (Institute of Industrial Nanomaterials (IINa))  who is an IROAST International Joint Research Faculty Member served as the organizer, and Professor Youn-Woo LEE (Seoul National University) was welcomed to present at the 126th IROAST Seminar.

IROAST Visiting Professor Youn-Woo LEE from Seoul National University (Korea) delivered a lecture on supercritical CO2 technology—a research area that Seoul National University has been working on for many years. He provided examples such as the use of sesame oil extraction, coffee bean extraction, and methods to prevent the deterioration of Joseon Dynasty documents. Prof. Lee had been visiting Kumamoto University every year before the time of COVID-19, and at the opening, he spoke enthusiastically about Kumamoto as his second home, including an episode from a Japanese class he took at Kumamoto University during that time.


佐々木 満 准教授(産業ナノマテリアル研究所)
Assoc. Prof. Mitsuru SASAKI (IINa, Kumamoto University)


Youn-Woo LEE 教授  (ソウル大学校・韓国)
Professor Youn-Woo LEE (Seoul National University, Korea)

会場の様子| At Venue


集合写真|Group Photo

第126回IROASTセミナー開催のお知らせ The 126th IROAST Seminar

Jul 22, 2024

国際先端科学技術研究機構(IROAST)は、ソウル大学校所属のYoun-Woo LEE IROAST客員教授による、第126回 IROASTセミナーを下記のとおり開催いたします。

1.日時: 令和6年7月26日(金)  11:00am~12:00pm
2.会場: 黒髪南W4 2F 203 講義室 (工学部研究棟2)   <51番> 

3.講演者・演題 (Speaker &Title):
                  Professor Youn-Woo LEE
                     (School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea)
                     “Beyond critical point: Creation of supercritical fluid technology”

4.概要(Summary):In this lecture, long term R&D activities at Seoul National
University will be presented with emphasis on the commercialization efforts in the fields of supercritical technology.
Nano particles of various metal oxides prepared in supercritical water or alcohol including a continuous production of LiFePO4 will be introduced. It will be presented that a commercial SCWO plant for treating wastewater from TPA manufacturing process which contains many organic acids and homogeneous catalyst such as cobalt and manganese acetate.

New applications using supercritical CO2 technology which is able to preserve the micro-structure during drying stage will be proposed.
Supercritical CO2 drying technology for post-treatment of ceramic nanoparticles synthesis will be presented. Several processes of washing
followed by drying of same CeO2 nanoparticles which were synthesized in one batch reactor will be compared and discussed. The restoration process of the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, one of the Korea's national treasures, composed of a solvent extraction process and a scCO2 drying process, were developed for extracting beeswax without damaging printing as well as paper.
Some other commecialization example of extraction process will be discussed.

5.世話人: 佐々木 満 准教授 (産業ナノマテリアル研究所) 

【IROASTセミナーに関するお問合せ】 平川

IROAST will have the 126th IROAST Seminars by IROAST Visiting Professor Youn-Woo LEE, School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea as follows.
Anyone interested in this seminar is more than welcome. We hope to see you at the seminar.
※This seminar will be held in English. Registration is not required.

  1. Date and time: July 26, Friday, 2024 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
  2. Venue: Kurokami South W4, 2F Room 203 (Faculty of Engineering Research Bldg.2)
  3. Speaker, Title & Abstract: Referred to above
  4. Organizer: Assoc. Prof. Mitsuru SASAKI, (IINa, Kumamoto University)

IROAST Seminar inquiries
Hirakawa (Ms.)

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