• Annual Report 2022

Annual Report 2022

Greeting from the Director

The fiscal year 2022 marked the beginning of the second phase for IROAST. While managing the tenure track program and establishing a robust international research network, IROAST has expanded into new research support initiatives. Specifically, we have designated new priority areas that contribute to constructing a well-being society, which includes bio-medical research, low environmental impact technology, biophysical environmental studies, and resilience enhancement. Additionally, we actively promote initiatives in advanced materials and data science. Furthermore, we have launched a support program for young researchers expected to make significant global contributions. This annual report has been compiled to introduce the activities of IROAST in the fiscal year 2022. We kindly ask you to read it and provide your opinions and feedback. We sincerely appreciate your continued support for the activities of IROAST.


Dr. TAKASHIMA Kazuki, Professor Emeritus
Distinguished Professor
Director of International Research Organization for Advanced Science and Technology (IROAST)
Kumamoto University, JAPAN



2. Research Activities 研究活動
3. Research Support Program  研究支援事業


4. IROAST Symposium and IROAST Seminar  セミナー&シンポジウム


5. Publication List of IROAST faculty members 出版論文

  • 5-1. Papers Published by IROAST IROAST (教員等による論文)
  • 5-2.Internationally Collaborated Papers by IROAST Young Internship Researchers and their Host Professors (インターンシップ生等との共著論文) 
  • 5-3. Internationally Collaborated Papers by IROAST Visiting Professors and their Host Professors (客員教授等との共著論文)
  • 5-4. Papers supported by “Young Faculty Members Support Program” (若手研究者支援事業による成果論文)
  • 5-5. Papers supported by “IROAST Start-up Program for Formulation of Joint Research Hub by Crossing Departments 2021” (2021年度スタートアップ事業支援による成果論文)


6. Winning Awards  表彰

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