The research unit is aiming at developing novel nanomaterials and their applications for biomass conversion, catalysis, and chemical devices such as hydrogen generators, gas sensors, light emitting devices, and batteries. The materials that we are developing include metal oxides, metal sulfides, noble metal-loaded oxides, metal halides, redox clusters, and graphene oxide. Tuning of their size, structure, and morphology leads to the creation of various functional materials with optimized catalytic, electrocatalytic, ion/electron-conducting, and optical properties.
Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Kumamoto University
Headquarters for Admissions and Education, Kumamoto University
Chemical Engineering & Environmental Technology, Universidad de Valladolid
Assisitant Professor
Department of Applied Chemistry & Biochemistry, Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Kumamoto University
Department of Chemistry Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
*IROAST Visiting Professor
Group Head
The Sensor and Microsystem group at the Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Tubingen
*IROAST Visiting Professor
Associate Professor
University of Brescia
*IROAST Visiting Associate Professor
Lecturer/Senior Researcher
The University of Adelaide
*IROAST Visiting Associate Professor