Research Clusters

Next-Generation Design of Building Structures-DfX

The sustainability of structural design and construction is attracting the attention of researchers and engineers, as well as structural safety performance. The research unit aims to the two key research themes, i.e., (1) safety analysis and optimization of structures under extreme loads (e.g., post- earthquake fire, long-period ground motion (LPGM), and near-fault ground motion (NFGM)), including the application of high-performance materials, and (2) recycling of wastes arising from the extreme loads and strengthening of the structures after subjected to the extreme loads. The two themes also can be shortly called Design for Safety and Sustainability (DfS2). The research activities will be conducted using advanced numerical methods (FEM and DEM), algebraic analysis, and experimental verification, to develop technology to promote the Next-generation design of structures. The main research topics that research units would like to conduct are the safety of concrete structures, structural analysis and optimization, Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)-repaired structures, and resilient structures, and evaluation and optimization of the structures with Design for deconstruction, and optimization of eco concrete such as volcanic ash concrete, development and application of high-performance materials (Textile reinforced cementitious composite, structural health monitor cementitious composite, nanotechnology for construction), and sustainable structural design, etc.

Next-Generation Design of Building Structures-DfX

Cluster members

  • Japan
    Gaochuang CAI Website

    Associate Professor
    IROAST, Kumamoto University, Japan

    Adjunct professor
    École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Saint-Étienne (ENISE), École Centrale de Lyon (ECL), University of Lyon, FRANCE

  • Japan
    Kazuo DAN Website

    FAST, Kumamoto University

  • France
    Amir SI LARBI Website

    Full professor
    CentraleLyon ENISE, University of Lyon
    *IROAST Visiting Professor

  • U.K.
    Konstantinos Daniel TSAVDARIDIS Website

    Full professor
    School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering, City, University of London
    *IROAST Visiting Professor

  • Germany
    Danièle WALDMANN Website

    Full professor
    Insitut für Massivbau(Institute of Concrete and Masonry Structures), Technischen Universität Darmstadt

  • China
    Yan XIAO Website

    Qiushi Distinguished Chair Professor
    Zhejiang University–University of Illinois Institute (ZJU-UIUC Institute), Zhejiang University






Seismic Performance and AI-based Evaluation Method of SRC Rectangular Columns Subjected to Multiple Repeated Cyclic Loads
Research Grant Ohata Foundation, 2022.10-2023.9

JST Sakura Science Exchange Program, Advanced technology and risk analysis of structures under extreme loads or environments (極端な負荷または環境下にある構造物の高度なテクノロジーとリスク分析), 2024.1.22-2024.1.28



JST Sakura Science Exchange Program:2024.1.22-2024.1.28 (→NEWS)
Advanced technology and risk analysis of structures under extreme loads or environments (極端な負荷または環境下にある構造物の高度なテクノロジーとリスク分析)

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