Associate Professor, Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology
*Please replace "[at]" with @.
Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science), "Development of high-accuracy geothermal reservoir model, considering the time-dependent behaviour of rock discontinuities," April 1, 2019-March 31, 2023.
Atsushi Sainoki, Kumamoto University International Joint Research Startup Support Program for Young Researchers FY2017 (正式名:平成29年度熊本大学若手研究者国際共同研究スタートアップ支援制度・長期派遣), “Development of a methodology to estimate potential for seismic activity caused by fluid injection into a geothermal reservoir or an aquifer,” 2017.
Encouragement Award, The 50th Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan for FY2024 (資源・素材学会2024年度第50回「奨励賞」), March 13, 2025