Shin-Ichi OHIRA

Dr. Shin-Ichi OHIRA

Professor, Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology

Research Fields
Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry

Research interest

Ion is an important chemical form in environment, human body, energy storage, etc. We have successfully developed electrodialytic ion handling method which can quantitatively transfer ionic solutes from one to other solution phases. And we are applying this to sample pretreatment for chemical analysis, speciation analysis of chromium species, separation of radio active isotopes from target materials, in-line synthesis and separations of amino acids and chiral compounds.

Cu2+ ion is transferred into ligand solution to synthesize radioactive probe.
(See details in Analytical Chemistry, 92, 14953-14958 (2020))

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science), Grant number 24K01516 “Development of ultra-high sensitivity ion analysis with universal detection” (18,620 kJPY for 3 years)
  • Adaptable and Seamless Technology transfer Program through Target-driven R&D (A-STEP) from Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Grant Number JPMJTR23RH.“Development of ultra-trace elemental analysis by means of ion-exchange with liquid electrode plasma” (for 2.5 yrs)
  • Collaborative Research with the companies (8 companies)
  • Shin-Ichi Ohira, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science), "Developments of Lab-on-a-chip for separation/purification and synthesis of radio-active probes", April 2021-March 2024.
  • Shin-Ichi Ohira, Intensive Support for Young Promising Researchers (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)), “Development of the highly sensitive analysis system for continuous monitoring of amino acids”, March 2022 – March 2024.


Postdoctral Researcher Reetu Rani
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