Professor, Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology
*Please replace "[at]" with @.
1. Evaluation of the transboundary atmospheric pollutions
2. Study for geochemical weathering process in relation to CO2 buffering availability and nutrients fluxes
3. Elucidating transportation rate/behavior of water/materials in unsaturated zone
4. Investigation for residence time and hydrochemical evolution of springs and groundwaters
5. Assessment on groundwater nitrate pollution using multiple stable isotopes (H, Li, B, C, N, O, S, Sr) and computer simulation
6. Biogeochemical study for groundwater metal pollution
7. Understanding the distribution and flux of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD)
8. Assessment for river water quality using geochemical tools
9. Assessment on coastal environments
10. Investigation for deep, geothermal, and magmatic fluids contributing to near surface environment
Special Topic: Groundwater environmental changes due to 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake
Current interest: Characterization of the changes of water cycle and material transportation systems on national scale
・Overseas research stay in Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy ( June 5th to October 3rd, 2022)
(Sampling of spring water) (Lecture in Sapienza Univ. of Rome)
・Water sampling survey of 23 major rivers in New Zealand
・Discussion with Prof. Jens Hartmann (Research Cluster member/IROAST Visiting Professor) in Kyoto (October 14th to 16th, 2022)